Sunday, January 11, 2009

Real Snow at G'ma and Papa's House

Sarah on the snow mobile with daddy and below with G'ma cruising around on the dish. Such an adrenaline junkie. She loved both...especially the snow mobile. She suckered Papa into lots of rides!

Caleb with his truck. That's all he needed. He loves it no matter what the situation, sand, snow, rocks. A boy and his truck! He wasn't quite as taken with the snow mobile as sister. This was his one and only ride!

Papa giving Caleb a rope pulled ride on the snow dish. He was a little more into this.

Love this picture. They are practicing their snow angels. They were so excited about them. They did actually make a few the next day in the snow!

We took the kids to David's parents for the weekend after Christmas. They had tons of snow. It snowed one entire day we were there. The kids loved it. We played with little snow dishes, trucks, sand toys, dug tunnels, and rode snow mobiles. I rode a snow mobile solo for the first time. That was fun. What a great weekend!

A Visit with G'ma Dot

Caleb and G'ma Dot dancing away. Caleb loves to dance and he absolutely wants everyone up dancing with him.
The kids helped G'ma open her gift, a calendar with lots of fun pictures. Then they looked through all the pictures with her

Just a Cute Duck Pic

Caleb is always rally capping his hat. Too funny. My little Ducks holding hands!